
A dynamic community designed for younger legacy market professionals, or those new to the sector and seeking fresh insight and connections.

YPG provides a great catalyst for career advancement and enhanced professional networks, through social events, training, and mentoring opportunities.

The IRLA Young Professionals Group believe that an important principle of leadership is to set a positive example regarding fair and ethical behaviour, and that IRLA members will respond positively in their own behaviours based on what they see of the Committee’s conduct. To this end our Corporate Social Responsibility aims can be found here.

Joining the YPG is through your organisation’s corporate membership – if you wish to enjoy YPG benefits please contact us to find out if your company is a full member.

The IRLA YPG aims to make an active contribution to the legacy sector by organising regular networking events to build community and providing a series of accredited training sessions which promote:

  • peer interaction – better connecting young professionals and laying the foundations of industry communication for the future
  • personal development – providing an opportunity to learn and progress within the industry
  • development of relationships – by interaction in peer groups as well as with more senior members of the market
  • building skills – by providing interactive sessions to help build both technical and personal communication skills.

Benefits of being a YPG Member

  • Access to YPG specific events (free of charge) and social events
  • Opportunities to speak and meet directly with respected members in the industry
  • An opportunity to be nominated for the IRLA YPG of the Year Award (see the YPG Committee page)
  • Access to YPG specific LinknLearn CPD training
  • Involvement in IRLA’s mentoring programme
  • Discounted prices on Academy courses following attendance of the preceding LinknLearn event

The IRLA YPG was launched in 2013 under the chairmanship of Hannah Vaughan, of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Since inception, membership has grown to 420 members.

LinknLearn and other YPG events

The YPG’s LinknLearn sessions provide members with the opportunity to join in professional training, either as a presenter or participant, with peers in all areas of the legacy sector. Previous LinknLearn sessions include: An Introduction to the London Market, M&A and Restructuring; A Mock Arbitration, Possible Future Claims; and the Basics of Solvency II. These sessions are followed by networking drinks.

As well as the LinknLearn sessions, the YPG also host several social events.

All YPG are also encouraged to attend the learning and development sessions and social events with the wider IRLA group. IRLA aims to provide every YPG member with up to 10 hours free CPD each year.

IRLA Champion role

Champions should be:

  • knowledgeable of the IRLA mission statement
  • up to date with IRLA news, events and annual reports
  • active in attending IRLA events and promoting these internally
Nurturing Talent & Ambition:
The IRLA Future Leaders Programme

Spring 2024 saw the formal start of our newly created Future Leaders Programme, with a second underway in December 2024.

This dynamic, supportive and uniquely structured concept is designed to aid and assist the progression and engagement of young professionals from within member businesses.

A Leadership Strategy for a Changing Era

While our sector has always been one of change and progress, there is little doubt that recent years have accelerated the way in which business is conducted, networks are built and careers are given the opportunity to bloom.

Hybrid working has, post-covid, undoubtedly changed the system which gave employees access to daily face to face interaction.

It has, to some degree, reduced opportunities for employees to volunteer for tasks, gain access to senior managers, and to build client relationships.

This shift in practices means a new kind of leadership has developed, and alongside this, must come a new way of supporting enthusiastic ambitious employees who aspire to great things in their career in legacy.

Future Leaders Award Winners 2024, Nicole Law (FTI), Richard Burrows (Weightmans), Joe Pearce (Barclays) & Ali Robson (EY)

How Do I Know if the Programme is for Me?

IRLA sees its Future Leaders as those who seek out opportunities, not just internally but in the wider market too.

Our intention is to inspire, assist and encourage those who want to push ahead with their career, and who like the idea of growing their skills, their confidence and their connections.

This programme is open to all Young Professionals employed by Full Members. (Check with your Main Contact if you are unsure).

There is no upper limit on the number of applications which can be made from any firm, but no two will be in the same cohort.

The Process

Once you have registered as a Young Professional you will be eligible to become a Champion; this can be done simply by contacting

Future Leaders should be:

  • familiar with the IRLA mission statement
  • up to date with IRLA news and events
  • aware of committees and board activity
  • active in attending IRLA events and cascading these and IRLAs aims internally

It should be noted that not all who apply for the Future Leaders Programme will automatically be accepted, but your application will be considered swiftly and confirmation made.

A Committee Pathway

You might also consider taking your IRLA journey a stage further – by becoming a Committee Member.

If there is a vacancy, and there is no other committee member from your firm, you can apply. This is a prestigious but voluntary role, requiring the following minimum commitment:

  • Attend one committee meeting a month (either online or a face-to-face meeting)
  • Assist with guest meet and greet at IRLA events.
  • Participate in introductions at IRLA courses.
  • Proactively take up tasks such as generating relevant news and ideas, supporting the organisation of IRLA’s YPG events etc.
  • Put forward a suggestion of one event you would like to support/organise for the Association’s charity of the year.

Other Opportunities within IRLA

Perhaps you might like to be considered as a Host at our annual Congress. Congress is the Association’s largest/flagship event and the best attended event of the year. All Future Leaders will be allocated active roles as either session hosts, social managers or to take part in the interactive sessions.

If speaking or delivering training sounds like an area of opportunity for you, then this would be yet another Future Leader prospect. Help will be given to creating a corporate head shot, biography and/or talk that can be offered at the last minute to any session. If your area of expertise is such that we can call on you to lead or participate in a panel, then this will also be offered to you.

Where’s the Catch of Joining the Future Leaders Programme? (and what benefits to expect)

There isn’t one. All we ask is that you become engaged actively in our programme, that you support your peers, and that you continually reflect on what you’re learning and how you can further contribute to the wider IRLA community.

You will receive further advice on how best to use social media, as well as getting presentation follow ups and mentoring.

Online and face to face training will be conducted in small groups.

All Future Leaders will additionally be considered for a Future Leader Award, announced annually.

What Next?

If you wish to sign up, or require any further information, please contact

We very much hope that you’ll think seriously about this great opportunity, and look forward to you being part of this exciting concept.