IRLA Congress & Business Seminar
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Congress programme
Sunday 11 - Wednesday 14 May 2025
Check-in from 4pm
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Speaker's Biographies
What will be
Your Legacy
Not Yet Open
The Grand Hotel,
97-99 Kings Road,
Brighton BN1 2FW
Prices include vat. Refunds are not possible from 12 April, but credits may be given if we can resell. Transfers can be made any time providing they are paid before Congress.
If you are a legacy professional and you only go to one conference in the year, it must be this one. The 2024 event was a great success enabling delegates time to mix and catch up with both clients (and potential clients) and competitors alike. As Congress is funded by our Platinum Supporters along with extra support from larger members, we are able to keep this cost effective and relevant. Don’t miss out on 2025's event as places sell fast.

Enabling industry professionals to meet, greet and create future opportunities.

As a one of a kind IRLA Congress aims to offer legacy sector updates, news and views, regulator interaction, discussion groups, breakout sessions, meeting space, networking opportunities, small and large entertainment in groups and, of course, updates on the Associations activities for the benefit of its membership.

Congress runs over 3 full days of events

IRLA Congress is in Brighton in 2025 thanks to our main sponsors Davies Group, DWF LLP and RiverStone International, along with all of Platinum Supporters help. Delegates can enjoy 3 full days of meetings, networking, breakout sessions and a welcome cocktail reception.

Making the Best of the IRLA Congress

Yes, we know it’s only a few weeks since we last met at the IRLA Congress, and you probably aren’t yet ready to consider your plans for attending the next one.

But… are you missing a trick? Every year, we hear feedback from delegates who say ‘I wish I had…’, or ‘next year I must remember to…’.

And so, being the ever-helpful team that we are, we thought we’d share with you our top tips for making the best of Congress, this little ‘gift’ is in addition to our extensive joining instructions and booklet.

You’ll find some of our suggestions are more pertinent as we get closer to the Spring of 2024, but others, can be set in train now.

Congress 2023 from PwC contingent -

  • One of the best run Congresses to date
  • The Future Leaders Dinner was a fantastic idea and really well run
  • Much better mix of ages and genders, still some way to go but it’s great to see it keeps improving
  • Great global delegate list
  • Really great feedback from the HSBC Economist and How To Be Inclusive to Neurodiverse People sessions.

1 - Set Your Intentions and Plan Ahead

If you arrive at The Grand Hotel for Congress and are pondering whether you should seek out any particular connection, or wondering where you might find the schedule for the days ahead - you’re already way too late to the party.

We make a point of sharing with delegates the event schedule well in advance, as well as the venue plans, so do check these out and see which presentations and opportunities will best align
with your professional goals.

2 - Be the Owner of your Networking

This is one of the fundamental objectives of the Congress.

It enables you to network with existing and new contacts, so don’t be a wallflower.

Remember that the process of networking can happen even before you arrive.

Take a look for professionals on Linkedin who you know will be attending – see our invitation to delegates - and who you’d be keen to meet up with. Drop them a polite note and make sure you’re in their schedule.

If you’d value an introduction beforehand, you can always ask our team to help you with that.

3 - Participate (Professionally and Socially)

Workshops and panel discussions are deliberately designed to spark conversation, so do make the most of asking questions and contributing your experiences.

Equally, if you want to participate in Congress in a way that hasn’t previously been offered to you, or because you think you have a unique or distinct idea for a discussion or session, come forward and let the team know so that we can debate the inclusion of this.

And when it comes to socialising – be sure to participate too. We know not everyone finds this so easy, but we go out of our way to make sure there are ways of doing so, which don’t all involve drinking, and aren’t biased in any one direction toward a particular group of people. Again, if you have an idea for a social activity, share it with us.

4 - Be Open to Opportunities

Attend Congress with an open mind and a curiosity which will expose you to roles, development opportunities, engagements and events which you might never have considered before.

Think about how you might leave Congress having found a mentoring relationship which could aid your career, or how you could get involved with the IRLA board in the future.

See this as a way of expanding how your membership goes further and rewards you with more.

5 - Talk About It

Before, during and after Congress, we really love to know that you want to talk about the event.

Use social media to share with others in your professional network that you’ll be going.

At the event, feel free to tweet or use Linkedin to update your status about your attendance.

Tag others in your updates and let them know you enjoyed their presentation or contribution.

On your return, why not give an update to your colleagues? You could even consider getting in touch with our communications team to write a blog or be in a podcast, sharing how you felt about Congress.

Booking your tickets early ensuring the best accommodation.

Early bird sales first 97 tickets

Next 20 tickets

Final 30 tickets

Previous years at Congress...